Saturday 11 July 2015

Weekend home Task 1

Weekend home Task 1

Answer the question and identify the part of speech.

1. I am a “naming word”. I name persons, places, animals, things and ideas.
    I am a noun

2. I am a “doing word”. I show action, possession and status.
    I am a  verb   

3. I am a “describing word”. I describe nouns and pronouns.
    I am an adjective

4. I stand in place of a noun. I am used to avoid repetition of nouns.
    I am a pronoun

5. I show the relationship between words in a sentence in terms of position and time.
    I am a preposition             

6. I connect words and phrases within a sentence and sentences too.
    I am a conjunction

7. I tell you more about the verbs in terms of time, place, manner or reason.
    I am an adverb

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