Friday 27 November 2015

Types of adverbs

Adverbs add to the verb. They tell us more about the verb. Adverbs answer the questions – ‘when, where, how’ put to the verb.
Types of adverbs:

1. Adverb of Manner – It describes ‘how’ something happens. It mostly ends in the suffix ‘-ly’
Eg – angrily, noisily

2. Adverb of Place – It describes ‘where’ something happens.
Eg – here, nearby

3. Adverb of Time – It describes ‘how long’ or ‘when’ something happens. Eg – after, soon

4. Adverb of Frequency – It describes ‘how often’ something happens. Eg – often, daily

5. Adverb of Degree – It describes ‘to what degree’ something happens. Eg – just, very

6. Adverb of Certainty – It describes ‘how probable it is’ that something will happen. Eg – probably, surely

Note : Adverbs can also be used to modify adjectives or other adverbs. For eg – 1. Tina is very short. Here ‘very’ is the adverb that modifies the adjective ‘short’.

2. Tina ran very slowly. Here ‘very is the adverb that modifies the adverb ‘slowly’.

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