Friday 12 February 2016

Home Weekend Task 17

I.  Shade the main verb in the sentence. Underline the helping verbs.
1. Sona will admit her son to the local school near Bandra.

2. Suhail is helping his brother Rahim.

3. The birds have been pecking at the cake.

4. Polly and Peter are crossing the road now.  

5. The children have practiced their parts often.

II.  Find the –ing imposter verbs in these sentences and say what part of speech they are.
1. Hurting frogs and stoning stray starving dogs are acts of meanness.
   stoning - verb,  starving - adjective

2. Rajan is taking his sick father to the local hospital now.
   taking - verb

3. Mandira is studying for the final examination tomorrow.
   studying - verb

4. We are starting for our amazing field trip soon and are going to Nasik, Satara and Pimpri.
   starting - verb

5. Painting and swimming during the holidays kept me busy.
   painting & swimming - verbs

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